Do not miss the popular Christmas in July Street Market in Voortrekker Street in Stilbaai.
Stalls, food, live music and festivities.
5 August 2020 – The long weekend is here and although there will sadly be the traditional Galjoen Derby will NOT take place this weekend (for the first time in 29 years!) there will always be sunrises and sunsets.
Get up early to experience the beauty – like Nelia Schreuder did earlier this week.
If you are looking for something to do, please support Stilbaai’s local businesses, markets, shops, restaurants and coffee shops. You can also view and buy art from our talented local artists at the Stilbaai Tourism Bureau on Saturday morning (10:00 till 14:00) and stay to watch the feeding of the freshwater eels. The Country Shop will be open as well as the tea garden. Our Tourism Bureau is dependent on tourists and visitors and will really appreciate all the support.
The Burg Mark in the east (just after the bridge) will also be open from 8:30 until 13:00. Buy something pretty and stock up on delicious food stuff.
Remember that most shops are closed on Saturday afternoon as well as on Sunday and as Monday is a public holiday, many might be closed (or only open during the morning). SPAR and OK Foods also close at 13:00 on Sundays.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Vanoggend se wakkerword…
Posted by Nelia Schreuder on Saturday, 1 August 2020
(Video: Nelia Schreuder)
The whales are back!
The Southern Right whales visit from March till November to breed while the Humpback whales are also seen in the waters of the southern Cape during these times.
Take your time, sit back and watch them enjoying their annual visit. Go to the Whale Look-out Point above the harbour from where you have a spectacular view.
Hein Oosthuizen took these awesome drone footage of the Humpback whales in Stilbaai recently.
There were some floods in 2008 in Stilbaai and although information about it are somewhat scarce, Stilbaai Tourism shared these photos (photo credits unavailable).
We were unable to find more information about these floods while it seemed that some flooding also occured in 2013. Feel free to contact us with information (and photos). Send e-mail to mystilbaai@worldonline.co.za or send WhatsApp to 082 458 8517.
June 2020 – How serene is this?!
Rowing on the Goukou River in Stilbaai in winter. The weather has been beautiful and with the COVID-19 Lock-down regulations that were lifted somewhat, many longed to be walking on the beach and practice their watersport again.
(Video by Nicole Smart International)
There are so many great organisations, initiatives, businesses and actions that make Stilbaai GREAT!
We would like to share some information during this 21-Day Lock-down time due to the Coronavirus.
And when this is all over, let us see where we can get involved and support.
𝘿𝙊𝙋𝙋𝙄𝙀-𝙋𝙍𝙊𝙅𝙀𝙆 𝙑𝙄𝙍 𝙍𝙊𝙇𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙀𝙇𝙀 – waar ELKE plastiekproppie ‘n verskil kan maak!
Vir elke 450 kg plastiekproppies en doppies of broodknippies wat by Interwaste in George ingegee word, skenk hulle ‘n rolstoel.
Freda Kleynhans en Marijke Uys Kleynhans, wat die doppies, proppies en broodknippies ontvang en sorteer, het onlangs Stilbaai se eerste 450 kg-vrag gaan aflewer.
Hou dus alle proppies van botteltjies en houers en selfs enige harde plastiek en maak ‘n bydrae tot ‘n rolstoel wat aan Huis Stilbaai en Huis Soeterus in Melkhoutfontein geskenk kan word.
Neem die doppies / proppies / plastiek na:
▪️ MC Varsproduktemark (langs die Poskantoor)
▪️ Jongensfontein Betonprodukte (op die Blombos-pad)
Kontakpersone: Freda / Marijke Tel: 082 500 2273
Facebook-bladsy: Rolstoel Doppie Projek – Stilbaai
(Foto van Rolstoel Doppie Projek – Stilbaai se Facebook)
Would you like to taste a wine before you buy it?
Well, at the fourth annual Stilbaai Craft Beer Gin & Wine Expo you can do just that!
A wide variety of wines from 23 exceptional wine farms in the southern and western Cape as well as the Karoo and Western Cape Coast, will be showcased as well as various award-winning craft beers and craft gins.
The Expo, hosted by Stilbaai Kelders, is also known for the high quality products from local olive and cheese producers. With more than 30 stalls under one roof, that will also include great food, this is a Tasting Experience not to miss!
Meet the wine makers, estate owners, craft beer brewers and gin distillers – all the experts will be there!
- Entry fee: R80pp (including tasting glass)
- Times: 17:00 – 21:00
- Card Facilities available
- Buy at great prices!
This event falls within the school holidays while the Inflatable Powerboat World Championships are also taking place in Stilbaai during the same period. With so many things happening in Stilbaai, you just have to be here!
For information, visit the Stilbaai Craft Beer, Gin & Wine Expo on Facebook or contact Stilbaai Kelders at (028) 754-1655.
Stilbaai, ons rustige vakansie- en aftreedorpie in die Hessequa-streek in die Suid-Kaap, is vanjaar gekies as die gasheer vir die tweejaarlikse Opblaaskragboot Wêreldkampioenskap wat vanaf 21 tot 28 Maart 2020 aangebied word.
Dié kampioenskap, bekend as die Union Internationale Motonautique P750 (UIM P750) World Championship, is in 2018 in Frankryk aangebied terwyl dit vantevore ook al in Kaapstad, Port Elizabeth en Oos-Londen aangebied is. Die kompetisie is uiters straf met spanne van regoor die wêreld van sover as Brittanje, Frankryk, Ierland, Duitsland, Noorweë, Swede en Sri-Lanka asook plaaslike en Namibiese spanne, ding vir die wêreldkampioenskapstitels in die Pro-Stock en Gemodifiseerde ‘Modifieds‘ Klasse deel. Daar word verwag dat tot 65 spanne bestaande uit twee persone elk vir dié kompetisie sal inskryf met die ondersteunings- en diensspanne wat nóg ongeveer 400 persone kan insluit.
Die sentrale punt van die aktiwiteite is die Ellensrust Karavaanpark in Stilbaai-oos waar die deelnemende spanne en hul diensspanne tuisgaan. Die kompetisie bestaan uit verskeie afdelings met die Surf- en Langafstand-kompetisie wat oor drie dae by die Lappiesbaai-hoofstrand sal plaasvind terwyl die baanren op platwater (Flatwater Circuit) oor twee dae in die see by die hawe sal geskied.
Daar is ook twee rusdae in die program ingewerk wat voorlopig vir Dinsdag (24 Maart) en Vrydag (27 Maart) beplan word. Die program is egter onderhewig aan veranderings met die weer wat ‘n groot rol in die aktiwiteite speel. Die span van Stilbaai, Raynor Becker en Hugo Erasmus, wat in 2018 as die Pro-Stock-wêreldkampioene aangewys is, sal poog om dié titel met titel Inverroche-kragboot suksesvol te verdedig.
Stilbaai, wat laas jaar tweede in die Kwêla Dorp van die Jaar-kompetisie geëindig het, is gereed en voorbereid op dié belangrike byeenkoms wat boonop ook in die skoolvakansie plaasvind. Dit beteken dat vakansiegangers en besoekers al die aksie ten volle sal kan ondersteun.
Die groot toename in besoekers gedurende dié tydperk in Stilbaai beteken ook ‘n bykomende ekonomiese inspuiting vir die dorp en besighede, organisasies en ander plaaslike byeenkomste sal daarby baatvind. Organisasies soos die Stilbaai Sakekamer kommunikeer reeds met hul lede in aansporing om gereed te wees vir dié byeenkoms en die meeste daarvan gedurende die vakansietydperk te maak. Stilbaai Toerisme sien ook daarna uit om die besoekers te verwelkom en oor die dorp en aktiwiteite in te lig.
Besoekers kan gerus ook uitkyk vir ander aktiwiteite wat gedurende dié tydperk in Stilbaai aangebied word. Dit sluit in die Stilbaai Craft Beer, Gin & Wine Expo op 26 en 27 Maart in die gemeenskapsaal; die Brugmark wat elke Saterdag in Stilbaai-oos aangebied word asook die Jongensfontein Kunsmark (Saterdag, 28 Maart) en die Kasselshoop Farm Run op Saterdag, 21 Maart. Daar is ook ‘n kunsuitstalling in die gemeenskapsaal van 21 tot 25 Maart terwyl die duo, Coffee Snobs, Saterdagaand (28 Maart) ‘n buitelug piekniekkonsert by Stilbaai Toerisme aanbied.
Volgens Ryno Becker, wat ‘n groot rol gespeel het om dié byeenkoms na Stilbaai te bring, is hulle uiters dankbaar vir besighede soos Inverroche Distillery asook OK Foods Stilbaai wat as borge tydens die geleentheid optree terwyl dit ook nie moontlik sou wees sonder die ondersteuning van rolspelers soos die Hessequa Munisipaliteit nie.
(Saamgestel deur Elza Thiart-Botes van www.mystilbaai.co.za in samewerking met Ryno Becker, rolspelers en betrokke organisasies)

Raynor Becker (regs) wat die ‘pilot’ van die Inverroche-opblaaskragboot is en Hugo Erasmus (links), wat die mede-jaer is, is die huidige Pro-Stock-wêreldkampioene en sal poog om hul titel suksesvol wil verdedig.
“A baby springok named Missy is the luckiest Bokkie in South Africa,” wrote Jenni Baxter in an article that was published on 1 March 2020 on www.sapeople.com. “She has been saved not once, but twice, by a Stilbaai farmer who has the hugest heart.”
Baxter tells the story that started on 23 October 2019 when Alison Bryant, who has a herd of 11 springbok (along with various other animals) had bought a few new pregnant ewes for her 72ha farm on the banks of the Goukou River outside Stilbaai. There was, however, tragedy when the ewes began to lamb as the farm’s dominant springbok ram attacked and killed them!
Alison told SAPeople that Missy was luckily still wet from birth when she saw the ram attacking her and she ran into the camp and saved her. She then explained how it then took her every two hours to get Missy to suckle from a bottle with a mix of milk and egg yolk. Little Missy got stronger, but earlier this year there was more sad news when Alison discovered that Missy had fractured her pelvis and that her back legs were paralysed.

Missy in her room. (Photo: Alison Bryant Facebook)
Missy was moved back to the spare room in Alison’s house on the farm and needed care 24/7. According to Alison’s Facebook posts, Missy needed to be contained for six to eight weeks for the hip to mend. It is not clear as to how she injured herself and Bryant thinks that she was maybe too close to the two Damara lambs and a Dorper and that the she might have been butted, causing her to fall and fracture her pelvis.
The little injured springbok was initially kept in a dog bed as she suffered form pressure sores and a raw left knee before Alison created a sling for her. Missy has grown and has been eating well and according to the vet, her fractured pelvis should heel as she is still young. “The vet has suggested she stays longer in the sling during the day so that her front leg elbows/knees can recover,” Bryant told SAPeople.

Missy in her new sling, the stretchy red bandages that I use for the horses works like a dream – Alison Bryant (from Facebook)
Bryant is the owner of Stonehouse Lodge, a private farm that specialises in olives, game and studrooi-poenskop cattle. Visitors can book self-catering accommodation at the lodge (sleeps up to eight guests) or at the White House Cottage. The olive estate contains over 5 000 olive trees of the cultivars Kalamata, Mission, Frantoia, Leccino and Coratina and the farm produces Extra Virgin Olive Oil that are hand picked and cold pressed.
@dejongha posted this special photo of a ‘Blue Sea Dragon’ spotted at Stilbaai.
Here are some more information: Glaucus atlanticus, more commonly called the “blue dragon,” the “blue angel,” the “sea swallow,” or the “blue sea slug,” is an unusual mollusk devoid of a shell. The brilliant blue and silver markings provide contrasting camouflage for the creature through counter-shading, allowing the Blue Dragon to be camouflaged both above and below. The vivid colors also warn of its extremely venomous nature. Common for slugs, the Blue Dragon has a singular muscular foot and rhinopores that provide sensation. It spends most of its life floating upside-down on the surface of the water due to a gas-filled sac in its stomach. These tiny nudibranchs can have up to three sets of long, black cerata (appendages on either side of its body) which can be utilized for respiration, digestion, and protection from predators by storing venom.
Typically only an inch long in length, the miniature creature has never been documented to grow more than 1.2 inches and is usually very slim and sleek. They reproduce as hermaphrodites, as they all have both female and male reproductive parts, and both mating partners will produce egg strings. These eggs are typically laid on drift wood or the carcasses of their parents’ kills where they grow and develop air sacs of their own. The Blue Dragon is in no danger of extinction as the population thrives in every location. Accustomed to tropical, warm waters, the Blue Dragon can be found along the coasts of South Africa, Australia, and parts of Europe. This tiny sea slug is well-known among divers, swimmers, and surfers in those regions because while small, it packs a mean punch. (www.reefnation.com)
This is such a striking photo by Bertus Preller – we thought we will share it for everyone who already miss Stilbaai…
The photographer (@bertus_preller) posted the photo with these words:
The more often we see the things around us – even the beautiful and wonderful things – the more they become invisible to us. That is why we often take for granted the beauty of this world: the flowers, the trees, the birds, the clouds – even those we love. Because we see things so often, we see them less and less.
Joseph B. Wirthlin