This sign is erected next to the Goukou River opposite the Julie se Baai camping terrain just before entering Stilbaai.
“The first Still Bay fishermen ventured seaward since about 1890 in their old wooden, locally manufactured flat-bottomed boats which were only equipped with oars and a single sail. They usually made an overnight stop at Tolla’s Bay along the Goukou River from where they would row out through the river mouth early in the mornings to catch their fish on the shallow landward reefs. Since 1913 on their return, again through the river mouth, they would offload their catch at Julie’s Bay where the fish-mongers awaited them. From here, some of the fish was transported in horsedrawn carts to Riversdale and elsewhere in the district. Although the name persists, the landing site disappeared during the construction of the road along the eastern river bank and the completion of the riad bridge over the river before and during 1955. Since the pontoon commenced conveying cars across the river, in 1932, fish could be collected and conveyed directly from the harbour.”
This little ‘monument’ is somewhat hidden under the trees and brush next to the Goukou River between the jetty and the hiking trail from the Information Centre.
“Riverina” The oldest holiday cottage in Stilbaai was erected on this site by Johannes Guillaume Steyn circa 1880. After his demise in 1883, the property was bought by Dirk Versfeld in 1896 and his meticulous hoisting of the Union Jack every morning gave rise to the naming, by die locals, of the suburb as ‘Little England’. His grandson, David James, carefully restored the dwelling to its former glory during 1995.”
Stop at the Anglo Boer War monument next to the R305 between the N2 and Stilbaai.
1899 – 1902 – The most southern battle of the war took place here on 12 September 1901 (translated from the plaque).
“‘n Boere-kommando onder bevel van Kommandant Jan Theron bots hier met die District Mounted Troops en Riversdale Town Guards onder bevel van Luitenant Smalberger en ‘n afdeling Britse troepe onder bevel van Majoor Kavanagh. Die Boere was op die rantjies noordwes, wes, suidwes en suidoos van hier. Die Britse troepe was in hierdie onmiddellike omgewing. Twee boere naamlik veldkornet JA van Biljoon van Kroonstad en RCH Tiell van Johannesburg, word gewond. Hulle herstel en word verban. Die Britse magte ly aansienlike ongevalle, maar getalle is onbekend.”
Unveiled on 12 September 2001 and erected by the Riversdale Rapportryers
A replica of the Stilbaai Point was unveiled on 5 October 2016 at the Palinggat Homestead to emphasise the important role it has played in our history.
The two-sided silcrete Stilbaai Point is the only authentic artefact from the Blombos Caves given to the Stilbaai Museum.
The Ox Wagon / Ossewa monument next to the R305 on the way to Stilbaai, was built in memory of well-known farmer, Dawid Antjie van Rensburg, from Kruisrivier (Riversdale) who died there on June 2nd, 1928.
According to history, Van Rensburg fell from the little bunk at the front of the wagon when the wagon hit a rock and landed under the front wheel.
(From an article in Suid-Kaap Forum newspaper)