Guess what will be happening in Stilbaai during the last long weekend before the summer holidays? There will be a little festival in town! The Hessequa Heritage Festival will take place on Saturday, 23 September 2017, and will consist of a 5km and 16km trail run ending at the Stilbaai Tourism Bureau where everyone can enjoy the ‘Brood- en Beskuitfees’.
Experience the most scenic coastal trail run!
The day will kick off with the Hessequa Heritage Trail Run. Runners – and walkers – can choose between the 16km coastal route that will start in Jongensfontein and finish in Stilbaai or the shorter 5km route that will start at Skulpiesbaai and finish at the same place at Stilbaai Tourism. Imagine running along the coast with views over the wide, blue ocean and passing stunning rock formations in colours ranging from white to orange and black; seeing various birds including the endangered Black Oystercatcher; passing ancient fish traps that date back hundreds of years; following the trails in the Skulpiesbaai Nature Reserve where age-old milkwood trees will remind you of scenes from a movie; passing the shell middens at the harbour where the Wafra ‘tok’ (fishing boat) is also displayed with information about its sad story.
You will also see some of the oldest houses in Stilbaai and will run next to the Goukou River with its beautiful scenery the final section, that also forms part of an existing hiking trail, take you to the finish at Stilbaai Tourism that is also a historical landmak in town. You might even be in time to see the tame freshwater eels being fed! Take a walk through the museum to learn about Stilbaai’s history and the archeaeology in the Blombos Museum of Archaeology where displays of Early, Middle and Later Stone Age artefacts originating from the region, can be viewed.
The entry fee for the 16km Trail Run is R120 and R50 for the 5km event. Entries can be done online and at the Stilbaai Tourism Bureau on Friday (22 Sept) from 15:00 and on Saturday morning between 7:00 and 8:00. There will also be entry forms available at the Tourism Bureau, Harcourts Stilbaai, Stilbaai Kelders and Crystal Stream.
On race day, there will be shuttles for the 5km and 16km participants that will depart from the Stilbaai Tourism Bureau to the starting points. The 5km trail will start at the parking area at Skulpiesbaai beach (at the fish traps) while the 16km will start at the tidal pool in Jongensfontein. Both races will start at 9:00.
There will be one water point on the 16km and all participants are requested to take their own water and supplements with.
Relax at the ‘Brood- en Beskuitfees’ – The ‘Brood- en Beskuitfees’ fits in perfectly with Heritage Day – or National Braai Day – (Sunday, September 24th) and promises to have something for everyone. There will be stalls with a variety of bread and rusks with the ‘local’ flour producer from Swellendam, Eureka Mills, also attending the festivities. Food, drinks and music as well as the smell of ‘braaivleis’ on the green lawns under the huge milkwood trees will be the perfect setting for a a relaxing day.
Limited space for stalls are still available. Contact Johannie Vermeulen at Tel: 083 333 1810 to book your space.
The Hessequa Heritage Festival is proudly sponsored by Harcourts Stilbaai. Their offices are at the Fynbos Centre or visit their website at and talk to them about property (buying, selling, letting or renting).
All the information about the Hessequa Heritage Trail Run(s) and ‘Brood- en Beskuitfees’ is available on – go to Hessequa Heritage Festival. ‘Like’ us on Facebook (Hessequa Heritage Festival) and follow on Twitter (@HessequaFees)
Contact Elza Thiart-Botes at Tel: 082 458 8517 / Adolf Botes Tel: 082 337 6286 if you require more information.
Come and experience the beauty of Stilbaai – scenic trails, historical places, breathtaking views and some of the most favorite places to visit.
Colourful rocks and awesome views from Jongensfontein
Getting closer to Stilbaai - have you seen this little building on the route?
Stilbaai's ancient fish traps at Skulpiesbaai. You will also see it when you've past the harbour
In the Olifantbos Trail scenes like THIS will welcome you
The view from the trail in the Skulpiesbaai Nature Reserve
One of Stilbaai's favourite places to visit - the harbour. Go back for another visit!
See some of the first beach houses, right at the beach. View the little monument to the right
Run next to the Goukou River